But, I was talking to a co-worker and a recurring comment that I often get came up yet again. The comment usually centers around how "grown up" my kids are (they are 7 and 11). I have multiple people who are amazed at how mature they are and how well behaved.
Now, I'm not bragging. Lord knows that there are times when they run around in underwear and act as if they were thawed from a block of ice aka Encino Man. But, yes, they are generally well behaved. Kids usually live up to whatever expectations you have for them. If they repeatedly hear you refer to them as rude or unable to sit still? They will make a believer out of you.
Anyway, the comment came from someone amazed that my kids willingly choose a sushi restaurant for a night out...not hibachi....sushi. I have always encouraged my children to explore foods and figure out what they like. Why? Because I was almost 30 years old and had no idea what to order in restaurants. My parents drug us to whatever they liked on the rare occasion that we went out. After that, it was random dates and then my husband and the fare was pretty chain restaurant American.
When I began traveling for work, I was embarrassed that I didn't know what to order if there wasn't chicken strips on the menu and tried to figure out what I liked. I found that I actually enjoyed medium rare steak (as do my children) rather than my lifelong well done. I also found that I really liked sushi which previously I would have never tried.
Many of my friends refuse to spend $15-20 on a meal for their kids that they may or may not like. I don't mind letting them explore at all. I feel like it's my job to prepare them for the outside world. (and not just food...I'm not an idiot) The more at ease and confident that I can make them when I'm not around, the better off they will be.
We discuss topics like race and politics. I take them to plays and musicals and we discuss the stories in depth afterward. I feel like they need to be able to hold an adult conversation about something other than YouTube videos and ESPN. We read. We watch the news together and discuss. It's my job!! It's not my job to dump them in front of Disney and let them think that is the real world. It's not my job to relegate them to a kid's menu with colors and tell them to speak only when someone speaks to them. My kids know when it's appropriate and when it isn't to enter into adult conversation. They are allowed to veg out in front of Sponge Bob. But they are also allowed to use their minds every once in a while.
All of that being said, Friday night was our back to school celebration night. (aka we are still alive after 3 days of school night). The kids first requested cupcakes. So, we bought these beauties and saved them for later. Lemon Blueberry cheesecake, orange (tasted like creamcicle), and chocolate chip cookie dough. So yummy!!!
Then we walked a few doors down for sushi. My daughter had forgotten that we were going out and had a corn dog when she got off of the school bus. So, all she wanted was veggie sushi (if I would eat some also) and edamame (she calls them squeezer beans). My son went for a tasty roll with crawfish and shrimp and I stuck with a smoked salmon roll and we had an appetizer of Monkey Brains. It is basically a fried mushroom stuffed with crab.
We finished up at Starbucks where they sipped drinks and we discussed our week and the activities that they are wanting to participate in. It was such a great night!
Saturday after lunch they went with their dad and I went on the journey of buying back to school groceries. :( I did find these awesome bento-ish boxes. They weren't exactly what I was looking for but they will do for now and were only $5 at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

After an exhausting day of shopping, I got some grocery store sushi (see a theme to the weekend?) and relaxed with some DVR episodes and a new book. I'm currently reading The Rumor and it is pretty dang good. Review to come soon! I also dove into the orange cupcake my daughter changed her mind about (the lemon blueberry one was mine and was breakfast...don't judge) and the summer Blue Moon. I really liked the Blue Moon and should have tried it before the summer was almost over. I'm going to have to run by the store and get a few more!
And finally, one of the highlights of my children's month is when our Cheryl's cookie club box for the month comes in the mail. They love these cookies and were stoked that they were back to school themed. I think the princess will be sharing with teachers this week. If you want a fun and tasty subscription (cheap too), sign up. They have different plans and are sooooo good!

I hope you had a fantastic weekend! What was the highlight of your weekend?
Thank you for the beautiful comment. I want you to know it made my day :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome! It's such a strange happy and sad journey.
DeleteYou sound like a really good mom :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteI likes this post. & to me you sounds like a really good mom :) I don't have any kids yet but I am sure parenting is hard - I see now how great my parents are and were all through my childhood :)
Thank you! I try to approach it in a kind of off hand and different way. They will still probably be in weekly therapy for whatever issues I give them so I might as well have fun doing it! :)
DeleteI love your little dates with your kids and that you celebrate the little things. If that doesn't scream "good mom" I don't know what does!
ReplyDeleteThe highlight of my weekend was definitely a pedicure and lunch with my mom and grandma:) they are totally my favourite people in the world!
Pedicures are awesome! I need one so terribly!!!
DeleteAnd thank you! I really do try to enjoy them as people and not just kids (if that makes sense). They are a blast!
Cheryl's cookies are soooo drool worthy! :)
ReplyDeleteI'll keep y'all updated on if my techniques actually work. That has yet to be seen! :)